Source code for lambeq.text2diagram.ccg_tree

# Copyright 2021-2024 Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ['CCGTree']

from import Iterable
from copy import deepcopy
import json
from typing import Any, Dict
from typing import overload

from lambeq.backend.grammar import Diagram, Id, Word
from lambeq.text2diagram.ccg_rule import CCGRule
from lambeq.text2diagram.ccg_type import CCGType

# Types
_JSONDictT = Dict[str, Any]

[docs]class CCGTree: """Derivation tree for a CCG. This provides a standard derivation interface between the parser and the rest of the model. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text: str | None = None, *, rule: CCGRule | str = CCGRule.UNKNOWN, biclosed_type: CCGType, children: Iterable[CCGTree] | None = None, metadata: dict[Any, Any] | None = None) -> None: """Initialise a CCG tree. Parameters ---------- text : str, optional The word or phrase associated to the whole tree. If :py:obj:`None`, it is inferred from its children. rule : CCGRule, default: CCGRule.UNKNOWN The final :py:class:`.CCGRule` used in the derivation. biclosed_type : CCGType The type associated to the derived phrase. children : list of CCGTree, optional A list of JSON subtrees. The types of these subtrees can be combined with the :py:obj:`rule` to produce the output :py:obj:`type`. A leaf node has an empty list of children. metadata : dict, optional A dictionary of miscellaneous data. """ self._text = text self.rule = CCGRule(rule) self.biclosed_type = biclosed_type self.children = list(children) if children is not None else [] self.metadata = metadata if metadata is not None else {} n_children = len(self.children) child_requirements = {CCGRule.LEXICAL: 0, CCGRule.UNARY: 1, CCGRule.FORWARD_TYPE_RAISING: 1, CCGRule.BACKWARD_TYPE_RAISING: 1} required_children = child_requirements.get(self.rule, 2) if self.rule != CCGRule.UNKNOWN and n_children != required_children: raise ValueError('Invalid number of children for rule ' f'`{self.rule}`: expected {required_children}, ' f'got {n_children}.') if text and not children: self.rule = CCGRule.LEXICAL self.is_leaf = len(self.children) == 0 self.is_unary = len(self.children) == 1 self.is_binary = len(self.children) == 2 if not self.children: self.height = 0 else: self.height = 1 + max(child.height for child in self.children)
@property def text(self) -> str: """The word or phrase associated to the tree.""" if self._text is None: self._text = ' '.join(child.text for child in self.children) return self._text @property def child(self) -> CCGTree: """Get the child of a unary tree.""" if not self.is_unary: raise ValueError('Cannot get the child of a non-unary tree.') return self.children[0] @property def left(self) -> CCGTree: """Get the left child of a binary tree.""" if not self.is_binary: raise ValueError('Cannot get the left child of a non-binary tree.') return self.children[0] @property def right(self) -> CCGTree: """Get the right child of a binary tree.""" if not self.is_binary: raise ValueError( 'Cannot get the right child of a non-binary tree.') return self.children[1]
[docs] def root(self) -> CCGTree: """Recursively get the root of the tree. In the pregroup diagram, this corresponds to the leaf box that contains the output wire. Returns ------- CCGTree The root tree. """ if not self.children: return self child = None if len(self.children) == 1: if 'TR' in self.rule.value: raise ValueError('Type-raised trees have no root ' "(it's in the other branch).") child = self.child elif self.rule == CCGRule.CONJUNCTION: if self.left.biclosed_type.is_conjoinable: child = self.left elif self.right.biclosed_type.is_conjoinable: child = self.right elif ('F' in self.rule.value or self.rule == CCGRule.REMOVE_PUNCTUATION_RIGHT): if 'TR' in self.left.rule.value: child = self.right else: child = self.left elif ('B' in self.rule.value or self.rule == CCGRule.REMOVE_PUNCTUATION_LEFT): if 'TR' in self.right.rule.value: child = self.left else: child = self.right assert child is not None return child.root()
@overload @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: None) -> None: ... @overload @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> CCGTree: ...
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str | None) -> CCGTree | None: """Create a :py:class:`CCGTree` from a JSON representation. A JSON representation of a derivation contains the following fields: `text` : :py:obj:`str` or :py:obj:`None` The word or phrase associated to the whole tree. If :py:obj:`None`, it is inferred from its children. `rule` : :py:class:`.CCGRule` The final :py:class:`.CCGRule` used in the derivation. `type` : :py:class:`.CCGType` The type associated to the derived phrase. `children` : :py:class:`list` or :py:class:`None` A list of JSON subtrees. The types of these subtrees can be combined with the :py:obj:`rule` to produce the output :py:obj:`type`. A leaf node has an empty list of children. """ if data is None: return None data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data return cls(text=data_dict.get('text'), rule=data_dict.get('rule', CCGRule.UNKNOWN), biclosed_type=CCGType.parse(data_dict['type']), children=[cls.from_json(child) for child in data_dict.get('children', [])])
[docs] def without_trivial_unary_rules(self) -> CCGTree: """Create a new CCGTree from the current tree, with all trivial unary rules (i.e. rules that map X to X) removed. This might happen because there is no exact correspondence between CCG types and pregroup types, e.g. both CCG types `NP` and `N` are mapped to the same pregroup type `n`. Returns ------- :py:class:`lambeq.text2diagram.CCGTree` A new tree free of trivial unary rules. """ new_tree = deepcopy(self) while (new_tree.rule == CCGRule.UNARY and new_tree.biclosed_type == new_tree.child.biclosed_type): new_tree = new_tree.children[0] new_tree.children = [child.without_trivial_unary_rules() for child in new_tree.children] return new_tree
[docs] def to_json(self) -> _JSONDictT: """Convert tree into JSON form.""" if self is None: # Allows doing CCGTree.to_json(X) for optional X return None # type: ignore[unreachable] data: _JSONDictT = {'type': str(self.biclosed_type)} if self.rule != CCGRule.UNKNOWN: data['rule'] = self.rule.value if self.text != ' '.join(child.text for child in self.children): data['text'] = self.text if self.children: data['children'] = [child.to_json() for child in self.children] return data
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return (isinstance(other, CCGTree) and self.text == other.text and self.rule == other.rule and self.biclosed_type == other.biclosed_type and len(self.children) == len(other.children) and all(c1 == c2 for c1, c2 in zip(self.children, other.children))) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{type(self).__name__}({self.text!r})' def _vert_deriv(self, chr_set: dict[str, str], use_slashes: bool, _prefix: str = '') -> str: # pragma: no cover """Create a vertical string representation of the CCG tree.""" pretty = not use_slashes output_type = self.biclosed_type.to_string(pretty) if self.rule == CCGRule.LEXICAL: deriv = f' {output_type} {chr_set["SUCH_THAT"]} {repr(self.text)}' else: deriv = (f'{self.rule.value}: {output_type} ' f'{chr_set["LEFT_ARROW"]} ' + ' + '.join(child.biclosed_type.to_string(pretty) for child in self.children)) deriv = f'{_prefix}{deriv}' if self.children: if _prefix: _prefix = _prefix[:-1] + (f'{chr_set["BAR"]} ' if _prefix[-1] == chr_set['JOINT'] else ' ') for child in self.children[:-1]: deriv += '\n' + child._vert_deriv(chr_set, use_slashes, _prefix + chr_set['JOINT']) deriv += '\n' + self.children[-1]._vert_deriv( chr_set, use_slashes, _prefix + chr_set['CORNER']) return deriv def _horiz_deriv(self, chr_set: dict[str, str], word_spacing: int, use_slashes: bool) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Create a standard CCG diagram for the tree with the words arranged horizontally.""" output_type = self.biclosed_type.to_string(not use_slashes) if self.rule == CCGRule.LEXICAL: width = max(len(output_type), len(self.text)) return (f'{self.text:{" "}^{width}}\n' f'{chr_set["HEAVY_LINE"] * width}\n' f'{output_type:{" "}^{width}}') lines: list[str] = [] for child in self.children: child_deriv = child._horiz_deriv(chr_set, word_spacing, use_slashes).split('\n') for lidx in range(max(len(lines), len(child_deriv))): if lidx < len(lines) and lidx < len(child_deriv): lines[lidx] += (' ' * word_spacing) + child_deriv[lidx] elif lidx < len(lines): lines[lidx] += ' ' * (len(lines[lidx - 1]) - len(lines[lidx])) else: target_len = len(lines[lidx - 1]) if lidx > 0 else 0 lines.append(f'{child_deriv[lidx]:{" "}>{target_len}}') target_len = len(lines[lidx - 1]) if lidx > 0 else 0 if len(output_type) > target_len: target_len = len(output_type) for i in range(len(lines)): lines[i] = f'{lines[i]:{" "}^{target_len}}' rule_symbol = self.rule.symbol lines.append(f'{rule_symbol:{chr_set["LINE"]}>{target_len}}') lines.append(f'{output_type:{" "}^{target_len}}') return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def deriv(self, word_spacing: int = 2, use_slashes: bool = True, use_ascii: bool = False, vertical: bool = False) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Produce a string representation of the tree. Parameters ---------- word_spacing : int, default: 2 The minimum number of spaces between the words of the diagram. Only used for horizontal diagrams. use_slashes: bool, default: True Whether to use slashes in the CCG types instead of arrows. Automatically set to True when `use_ascii` is True. use_ascii: bool, default: False Whether to draw using ASCII characters only. vertical: bool, default: False Whether to create a vertical tree representation, instead of the standard horizontal one. Returns ------- str A string that contains the graphical representation of the CCG tree. """ UNICODE_CHAR_SET = { 'HEAVY_LINE': '═', 'LINE': '─', 'BAR': '│', 'SUCH_THAT': '∋', 'JOINT': '├', 'LEFT_ARROW': '←', 'CORNER': '└' } ASCII_CHAR_SET = { 'HEAVY_LINE': '=', 'LINE': '-', 'BAR': '│', 'SUCH_THAT': '<-', 'JOINT': '├', 'LEFT_ARROW': '<-', 'CORNER': '└' } if use_ascii: use_slashes = True chr_set = UNICODE_CHAR_SET if not use_ascii else ASCII_CHAR_SET if not vertical: deriv = self._horiz_deriv(chr_set, word_spacing, use_slashes) else: deriv = self._vert_deriv(chr_set, use_slashes, '') return deriv
[docs] def collapse_noun_phrases(self) -> CCGTree: """Change noun phrase types into noun types. This includes sub-types, e.g. `S/NP` becomes `S/N`. """ return type(self)( text=self._text, rule=self.rule, biclosed_type=self.biclosed_type.replace(CCGType.NOUN_PHRASE, CCGType.NOUN), children=[child.collapse_noun_phrases() for child in self.children], metadata=self.metadata )
def _resolved(self, resolved_output: CCGType | None = None) -> CCGTree: """Perform type resolution on the tree. Actions: - unary rules (for the most part) are removed and the types are changed directly, resulting in changes in the lexical word types. - unary rules that involve a swap in the direction of the type are not changed. - conjunctions are replaced by applications. - one other special case: rewriting the type of a forward composition which has a type-raising child requires special handling to ensure that the composed (middle) type is correct. Resolution starts from the root of the tree, and then rewritten types are propagated towards the leaves by recursive calls with `output` set to the rewritten type (may be the same as the original type if no rewriting is required for that child). """ output = resolved_output or self.biclosed_type if self.rule == CCGRule.LEXICAL: if output == self.biclosed_type: return self else: return CCGTree(self.text, biclosed_type=output, metadata=self.metadata) resolved_dom: tuple[CCGType, ...] rule = self.rule if rule == CCGRule.UNARY: if ({output._direction, self.child.biclosed_type._direction} == {'/', '\\'}): # This defines a swap from Y.l @ X to X @ Y.l # (and vice versa) since: # Ty() << Y -> Y.l # Ty() << (Ty() << Y) -> Y.l.l # (Ty() << (Ty() << Y)) >> X -> Y.l.l.r @ X = Y.l @ X other_direction = '\\' if output.direction == '/' else '/' resolved_dom = (output.argument.slash( other_direction, CCGType().slash( output.direction, CCGType().slash(output.direction, output.result) ) ),) else: return self.child._resolved(output) elif (rule == CCGRule.FORWARD_COMPOSITION and self.left.rule == CCGRule.FORWARD_TYPE_RAISING): left = output.left right = output.right mid = self.left.biclosed_type.right.left >> left resolved_dom = rule.resolve((left << mid, mid << right), output) else: child_types = [child.biclosed_type for child in self.children] resolved_dom = rule.resolve(child_types, output) if rule == CCGRule.CONJUNCTION: if self.children[0].biclosed_type.is_conjoinable: rule = CCGRule.FORWARD_APPLICATION else: rule = CCGRule.BACKWARD_APPLICATION children = [ child._resolved(resolved_dom[i]) for i, child in enumerate(self.children) ] if children == self.children and output == self.biclosed_type: return self else: return CCGTree(rule=rule, biclosed_type=output, children=children, metadata=self.metadata)
[docs] def to_diagram(self, planar: bool = False, collapse_noun_phrases: bool = True) -> Diagram: """Convert tree to a DisCoCat diagram. Parameters ---------- planar : bool, default: False Force the diagram to be planar. This only affects trees using cross composition. """ if collapse_noun_phrases: self = self.collapse_noun_phrases() words, grammar = self._resolved()._to_diagram(planar) return words >> grammar
def _to_diagram(self, planar: bool = False) -> tuple[Diagram, Diagram]: if self.rule == CCGRule.LEXICAL: if self.biclosed_type == CCGType.PUNCTUATION: return Id(), Id() else: output_type = self.biclosed_type.to_grammar() return (Word(self.text, output_type).to_diagram(), Id(output_type)) this_layer: Diagram if self.rule == CCGRule.UNARY: if planar: raise ValueError('This diagram cannot be represented as a ' 'planar biclosed diagram since it requires a ' 'unary swap.') else: if self.biclosed_type.is_over: left = self.biclosed_type.left.to_grammar() right = self.biclosed_type.right.to_grammar().l else: left = self.biclosed_type.left.to_grammar().r right = self.biclosed_type.right.to_grammar() this_layer = Diagram.swap(right, left).to_diagram() else: child_types = [child.biclosed_type for child in self.children] this_layer = self.rule.apply(child_types, self.biclosed_type) children = [child._to_diagram(planar) for child in self.children] if planar and self.rule == CCGRule.BACKWARD_CROSSED_COMPOSITION: (words, left_diag), (right_words, right_diag) = children left = self.biclosed_type.left.to_grammar() join = self.left.biclosed_type.left.to_grammar() right = self.biclosed_type.right.to_grammar().l diag = (left_diag >> Id(join) @ (right_words >> right_diag) @ Id(right) >> Diagram.cups(join, join.r) @ Id(left @ right)) elif planar and self.rule == CCGRule.FORWARD_CROSSED_COMPOSITION: (left_words, left_diag), (words, right_diag) = children left = self.biclosed_type.left.to_grammar().r join = self.right.biclosed_type.right.to_grammar() right = self.biclosed_type.right.to_grammar() diag = (right_diag >> Id(left) @ (left_words >> left_diag) @ Id(join) >> Id(left @ right) @ Diagram.cups(join.l, join)) elif planar and (self.rule == CCGRule.GENERALIZED_BACKWARD_CROSSED_COMPOSITION): (words, left_diag), (right_words, right_diag) = children left, join, right = self.left.biclosed_type.split( self.right.biclosed_type.left ) inner = right_words >> right_diag cups = Diagram.cups(join, join.r) mid = (Id(join) @ inner) >> (cups @ Id(inner.cod[len(join):])) diag = Id(left) @ mid @ Id(right) elif planar and (self.rule == CCGRule.GENERALIZED_FORWARD_CROSSED_COMPOSITION): (left_words, left_diag), (words, right_diag) = children left, join, right = self.right.biclosed_type.split( self.left.biclosed_type.right ) inner = left_words >> left_diag cups = Diagram.cups(join.l, join) mid = (inner @ Id(join)) >> (Id(inner.cod[:-len(join)]) @ cups) diag = Id(left) @ mid @ Id(right) else: words, diag = [Id().tensor(*d) for d in zip(*children)] diag >>= this_layer return words, diag